Two Foot Bay National Park
Two Foot Bay National Park is located on the northeast coast a short drive from Codrington. Here the karst has been reshaped into dramatic caves and cliffs. The only petroglyphs on Barbuda are found within one of these caves. Red-billed Tropicbirds nest in niches in these cliffs, and a number of the Caribbean endemics such as Caribbean Elaenia, Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Antillean Crested Hummingbird, and Pearly-eyed Thrasher are easily seen in the scrub forests bordering the cliffs.
Red land crabs scurry through the sea grape leaf litter. In this coastal forest, a narrow fringe of vegetation between the cliffs and the sea, you will also notice white Frangipani blossoms on immense, gnarly trees. This is Plumeria alba, the Frangipani native to the Caribbean. The barrel cactus with the red cephalium (which looks like a fez) is known as Turk’s cap (Melocactus intortus). The Turks Islands are named for a similar species.
The ground lizard here is the Antiguan endemic Ameiva griswoldi.
The thorn-scrub forest found in the interior of Barbuda is where you can find the only Antiguan endemic bird, the Barbuda Warbler. This seemingly inhospitable scrubland (every twig and branch has a thorn or sticker) is home to likely no more than a few thousand individuals. The scrub is also where you will see the Lesser Antillean Flycatcher (Myiarchus oberi), a Myarchus that is found in the Lesser Antilles but surprising not on Antigua itself.
To get to the good places on Barbuda, you will need a vehicle and a guide. Roads are passable, but often rough.