Mustique Lagoon
This is the second largest, and perhaps the best, surviving mangrove swamp in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Not counting seabirds, about two thirds of Mustique’s bird species rely on mangrove habitat as their main or sole habitat in the drier months.
The Lagoon is on the coast in southwest Mustique, part of the island chain that makes up the St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is a large open lagoon with exposed mud flats on the north and west sides, and it is surrounded by mangrove forest. Ecologically important Red Mangroves are dominant on the southern side. On the landward side (east) there is more tree diversity including hardwood species. On the west and south sides the mangroves border sandy dunes and beaches, with exposed reefs on the west.
There is a signed trail around the site. A hide on the west side has good views of the mudflats of the north side, you may see Turnip-tailed Geckos in the roof! The trail can be accessed by following the coast road and track south from the Jetty and mooring area, to the end; or from the road on the inland side to the southeast corner, where there is a sign for the nature trail. It takes about 40 minutes to walk round the trail, but if you actually look at the wildlife it will take you longer.
The Lagoon is the best place to see or hear the Grenada Flycatcher which is endemic to St Vincent the Grenadines and Grenada. It is also very good for shorebirds, including the overwintering Least Sandpiper, the smallest of the sandpipers.
In the autumn the Lagoon can be awash with Semi-palmated Sandpipers and other species. Twelve heron species have been seen at this site. If you are only on Mustique for a short while, be sure to walk the nature trail.
Specialty birds here include Restricted Range species like the Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Grenada Flycatcher, and Caribbean Elaenia.
Day trips from other islands are available, check local charter companies or yacht charters.
Mustique is a private resort island, so please note that island access may be seasonally limited.
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