Josiahs Bay Salt Pond
The pond is very large but access has been difficult in the past as it is surrounded by private property. However, a new Animal Shelter is being developed on a parcel adjacent to the pond and will allow access from the east starting in late 2017.
The adjacent private parcels of land have done some reclamation and pollution to the pond is a concern, so the Animal Shelter is creating a waste treatment facility that will include a constructed wetland so waste does not impact the pond. This will serve to attract birds. There is a plan to construct an observation platform or boardwalk and signage will be installed. Unlike other ponds on Tortola there are always birds at Josiahs Bay, so there is no disappointment if only in the BVI for a short period of time!
Salt Pond at Josiahs Bay (Photo by Nancy Pascoe)
Birds commonly seen: Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Little Blue Heron, Blue-winged Teal, White-cheeked Pintail, American Coot, Caribbean Coot, Black-necked Stilt, Spotted Sandpiper, Yellow-crowned Night-heron, Greater Flamingo, Ruddy Duck, Common Moorhen.

The land at the Animal Shelter is adjacent to a main road leading to Josiahs Bay beach and will be clearly sign posted for the BVI Humane Society Animal Shelter.
Donations will be requested to visit the pond and this will go towards the Animal Shelter. There are no tour companies offering bird tours at present but the Animal Shelter will develop birding interpretation signs to self guide visitors.